First Vue Native App



					[node]( >= 6.0 Installed Globally
[npm]( >= 4.0 Installed Globally
[React Native CLI]( which allow you to easily create and initialize projects. Installed Globally

Process 1 : Setup using Vue Native Cli

Step 1: Create A New Project

					npm install -g vue-native-cli
vue-native init <projectName> // Initializes crna project
vue-native init <projectName> --no-crna // Initializes react-native project
cd <project-name>

Step 2: Running The App

					npm start

					npm run ios

Use this command to run your app in your ios device or simulator
					npm run android


Use this command to run your app on a connected Android device or emulator.  

Process 2 : Setup using React Native

Step 1: Create A React Native Project

					react-native init <projectName> --version <version> /* Version should be <= 0.55.4
cd <projectName>

Step 2: Install Vue Native

					npm install vue-native-core vue-native-helper --save
npm install vue-native-scripts --save-dev

Step 3: Configure the React Native Packager

Create vueTransformerPlugin.js file to your project’s root and specify supported extensions(vue):

For React Native version 0.52 or later

					var upstreamTransformer = require("metro/src/transformer");

For React Native version 0.47-0.51
					var upstreamTransformer = require("metro-bundler/src/transformer");

For React Native version 0.46
					var upstreamTransformer = require("metro-bundler/build/transformer");

					var vueNativeScripts = require("vue-native-scripts");
var vueExtensions = ["vue"];

module.exports.transform = function({ src, filename, options }) {
  if (vueExtensions.some(ext => filename.endsWith("." + ext))) {
    return vueNativeScripts.transform({ src, filename, options });
  return upstreamTransformer.transform({ src, filename, options });

Add the following code snippet to your rn-cli.config.js (make one inside your project’s root directory if you don’t have one already):

					module.exports = {
  getTransformModulePath() {
    return require.resolve("./vueTransformerPlugin.js");
  getSourceExts() {
    return ["vue"];

Step 4: Create A Vue File

Replace the Content of the App.js file with the following code base and rename App.js file with App.vue.
  <view class="container">
    <text class="text-color-primary">My Vue Native App</text>


Now you are ready to build and run your app.

Step 5: Running The App

					react-native run-ios
Use this command to make an iOS build and run it on a simulator.
					react-native run-android


Use this command to make an iOS build and run it on a simulator.

I would prefer the process 2 as it defines the steps how a react native app is created first and then configured for vue js. You can use any of them.

After installation if you run your app you will get a view as following.

Debugging and Live Reload

After the initial setup the most important point for the development is debugging and live reload. For debugging you can use react-devtools.

After installing the app on your phone or emulator using the command:

					react-native run-android


do the following steps to enable the debugging and live reload:

On Emulator : Click on emulator and press CTRL + M (CMD + D on MacOS)


On Device: Open your app and shake the device.

It will open a menu as follows:

Go to the project directory in terminal and run the following command to run the devtool:


It will open the react devtools panel and then Click on Debug JS Remotely for debugging in your phone. Now you can inspect the dom elements remotely.  

Similarly if you click on the Enable Live Reload it will automatically reflect all the changes you are making in your codebase.  

If you click on the Toggle Inspector it will open an inspector panel inside your app. Clicking on any element will show all the properties of the element. See the image below, Here a text input element is inspected.

Writing Code

The first thing we need to keep in mind that vue-native doesn’t use the html tags. The most basic component to create a User Interface (UI) is View. You can consider it as equivalent to div element. It can be nested with one another.

There are several vue-native components, events for the elements, device APIs(camera, geolocation etc.) that we need to learn. You can find them in their official documentation.

For Routing you can use Vue Native Router. Use this command to install:

					npm install vue-native-router


To navigate between the pages :
					this.navigation.navigate("RouteName", {/* params go here */ });


Example Project

Here is a simple TODO Application as an example project which can help you to start with – GitHub link  


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Pritam Guha

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