How To Build A SaaS Application In 7 Steps [Step-By-Step Guide]

As a business leader, staying ahead of today’s fast-paced digital landscape is essential. One way to do this is by embracing digital transformation and exploring new technologies. Software as a Service (SaaS) is one such technology, the most popular software delivery model. Unlike traditional software license purchases, SaaS allows customers to access the software over the internet through a subscription model. As a result, it makes it more flexible, cost-effective, and scalable for businesses of all sizes. This blog will cover a wide range of topics related to how to build a SaaS application. 

Developing a SaaS application is challenging, but you can pull it off with the right plan in place. This blog will help you know the essential steps for developing a successful SaaS application. From identifying your target market to launching and scaling your product, we will cover everything you need to know to bring your SaaS idea to life. So please read this blog till the end to get a comprehensive SaaS application development guide.

How To Build A SaaS Application: A Brief Overview:

A SaaS application is a high-end software program that delivers applications over the internet as a service. Users use this service via the internet instead of installing and maintaining complex applications on their devices. SaaS providers run this on-demand software on their servers. SaaS application development helps your business to enhance scalability, accessibility, and reliability. Multi-tenant architecture, multi-level cloud computing solutions, and smooth accessibility are a few critical features of SaaS applications. 

Types Of SaaS Applications:

Today, SaaS business models are widely popular across B2B and B2C industries. Let’s look at some examples of B2B & B2C SaaS applications. 

B2B SaaS Applications:

  • ERP Systems: One of the prime examples of a B2B SaaS application is an ERP system. ERP or enterprise resource planning that can optimize and automate internal business processes. ERP systems are cloud-based web applications suitable for various operations, including inventory, accounting, CRM, HRM, and other modules. 
  • Project Management Tools: SaaS-based project management tools comprise applications that help businesses plan, organize, and manage tasks. Some popular project management tools include Asana, Trello, and Basecamp.  
  • Collaboration Tools: Some of the best collaboration tools in the world are the direct outcome of SaaS innovations. Top apps like Zoom and Slack have become the primary source of business communication.
  • Marketing Software: B2B SaaS marketing tools help businesses plan, launch, and measure marketing campaigns. Firms can use these tools to streamline and automate multiple marketing tasks, including email marketing, lead generation, and social media marketing. 

B2C SaaS Applications:

  • Streaming Services: Popular video streaming platforms like Netflix, Spotify, Amazon prime, etc., use the SaaS business model to offer their services. Software-as-a-service apps of these video streaming platforms have created a new service avenue.
  • E-Learning Apps: Nowadays, online learning apps are popular among students. E-learning app services also use the SaaS business model to sell their services to customers. SaaS technology allows users unlimited access to critical study materials and digital enclaves.  

Benefits Of Building A SaaS Platform :

SaaS app development has the potential to improve the efficiency of a business. The SaaS business development model is used in mobile and web app development. Look at some of the reasons why SaaS ensures rapid business growth. 

  • Cost-Efficient:SaaS applications are inexpensive compared to traditional software licensing. Users do not have to buy or maintain expensive hardware like before. SaaS solutions offer subscription plans for users. Individuals or businesses only need to pay for their required services or functions. An organization can stop if the services are not needed.
  • ReliableService:SaaS is a cloud-based application which makes it more reliable and secure. Cloud networks are placed around the world. Therefore, SaaS applications continue functioning even when a server or multiple servers are down. 
  • Flexible Solution:SaaS applications help you scale your business. Building a SaaS product makes your business more flexible, as you can upgrade your subscription plan based on your requirements.
  • Secure:Security is a vital concern for modern-day businesses. SaaS operates in a cloud-based environment that is encrypted, secure, and protected from all kinds of cyber crimes. SaaS improves the security of a system or database through multi-factor authentication, data encryption, regular updates, and adherence to strict security standards.

SaaS Application Development Guide: Step-By-Step Procedure:

Building a SaaS platform can revolutionize your business operations. It allows your business to access the system anywhere and on any device. The application streamlines your business operations and increases efficiency. Let’s look at the step-by-step guide to developing the SaaS application for your business.

#1 Comprehensive Planning and Competitor Analysis To Develop A Valuable Solution:

Effective planning is the cornerstone of developing a functional application. To build a SaaS application, you must formulate a plan to add value to your solution. The success of your SaaS solution entirely depends on meticulous planning for using the right technology and researching the market. In addition, you should also study the competitors before planning. 

#2 Structure Your Plan For The Development:

Structuring your plan refers to the discovery phase of your SaaS application development. In this phase, you must prepare critical documentation to outline your app requirements. Your hired SaaS development company will set up a developer team, and you have to sit with them several times to identify the detailed specifications of your project. Let’s look at some of the critical documents of this phase.

  • Software Requirement Specification (SRS):A Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is a document describing the requirements for a software system. SRS is the detailed description of the system’s functionalities, including its design limitations. It also includes the app structure, project objectives, and scopes.
  • Risk Assessment & Mitigation Plan:You must develop an efficient risk assessment plan to identify and evaluate the project’s risk. Developing a risk mitigation plan is critical to reducing the potential impacts of the identified risks. Your risk mitigation plan must include implementing controls and measures to prevent glitches and errors.
  • Feature Breakdown List:The feature breakdown list contains information about all the features you wish to implement in your app. The list might include the essential information, including the feature’s name, descriptions, user stories, acceptance criteria, priority, status, and resource report.
  • Cost Estimation:To structure your plan to develop SaaS applications, you need a projected budget table to outline your spending.

#3 Application Design:

UI/UX design is critical to boosting the ease of performing a SaaS application’s tasks. You must design UX/UI elements of your SaaS application to simplify all users’ touchpoints. The SaaS application must run across computers, laptops, and a wide range of Android and iOS devices. In addition, you must also incorporate the UX/UI features in your application to deliver smooth accessibility to users and ensure quick loading speed.   

#4  App Architecture Design:

You need a high-end app architecture design to create a scalable and sustainable Software As A Service App (SaaS). It is the foundation of efficient application development. SaaS applications architecture design includes breaking down the apps into smaller and modular components. It also involves establishing an interactional relationship between those components using several architectural patterns like MVC, MVMM, MVP, etc. An architecture design includes three critical components; a model, a viewer, and a presenter. Cloud-based SaaS architecture design has several advantages: flexibility, scalability, security, and pricing.

#5 Development & Testing:

Development and testing are critical parts of the SaaS app development process. At this stage, the specialized SaaS developers design and create the frontend and backend of the application. The developers first build an MVP of the app and test the most critical features of the application to meet the basic needs of your target users. The developers write appropriate codes for the application and integrate the newly developed application with all necessary third-party services. Once the application is developed, QA engineers test it to check its functionality. This stage is highly interactive due to a continuous feedback loop between the developer and the testers. The development process involves writing code, building and integrating features, and fixing bugs, while the testing process involves verifying that the app functions as expected, identifying issues, and reporting bugs.

#6 Deployment:

Once you develop the app, it is time for deployment. Deployment refers to hosting the app on a cloud-based platform and making it accessible to users through a web browser. It means your SaaS application’s MVP version is ready to launch. After the deployment, you must gather user feedback and analyze them to improve the performance and features. Your hired SaaS development company can help you manage the post-deployment maintenance of your SaaS application. 

#7 App Maintenance & Future Modifications:

Once your minimum viable product (MVP) is available to users, you must assess its performance based on user feedback. You can apply various methods, such as surveys and analytics tools. By analyzing this feedback, you can identify areas for improvement and determine what new functionality your users need. While gathering this information, you must also work closely with your SaaS development team to plan for future functionality. This continuous improvement process will ensure that your MVP is growing to meet the needs of your users and is on the path to becoming a successful product. 

Things You Should Keep In Mind Before Developing A SaaS Product:

Many factors can affect the building of a SaaS platform which include the followings:

A. Technology Stack: 

You cannot create an application without choosing the right technology stack. In addition, it helps apps run on different platforms and devices smoothly. For building your SaaS solution, you can opt for several high-performing programming languages and frameworks like JavaScript, Laravel, and Ruby. The choice of framework depends on the specific requirements of your project. With a wide range of options, you can choose the one that best suits your needs and helps you achieve your desired outcome.

Choosing the right technology stack determines your application’s speed, scalability, and cost-efficiency. In addition, a robust technology stack is essential for scaling the app as the user base grows and more resources are required to handle the increased traffic.

B. Tenancy Model: 

Determining an appropriate tenant model is critical for your SaaS solution. Here, a tenant refers to the business or firm that uses the SaaS application. SaaS tenancy decides the number of tenants that share the same database, computing resources, and software instance.

Cloud-based SaaS application architecture has two models; single-tenant and multi-tenant. Multiple users can use the same database, resources, and infrastructure in a multi-tenant model. In a single-tenant model, each user has their database and infrastructure. A SaaS business analyst can help you choose the best model for your business needs.

C. Pricing Strategy: 

Offering multiple subscription packages is critical for building your SaaS pricing strategy. The SaaS pricing model can make or break your business. You must design your app strategy to support your business goals and attract maximum users. In addition, you must make your pricing model flexible for the users so they can choose any model according to their budgets. A few popular pricing models include:

  • Freemium Model
  • Pay As You Go Model
  • Tiered Pricing Strategy

D. Scalability: 

It is crucial to consider scalability from the early stage of development to ensure that the app can manage the expected growth of the business and deliver a good user experience to end-users. Many techniques include horizontal scaling, vertical scaling, and asynchronous processing to achieve optimum scalability. In addition, your scalability model must create room for the future expansion of your business. Therefore, scalability projection is a crucial criterion for developing a SaaS platform.

E. Databases: 

A flexible and secure database is a crucial component of SaaS app development. The database should have specific features to suit your business needs. It’s essential to consider many factors before choosing a database for your SaaS solution. Data type, scalability, and load balancing are factors you should consider before using the database. 

F. Update Frequency: 

 To improve your SaaS application, you must update it frequently based on user feedback. In addition, the update frequency is also essential to mitigate security vulnerabilities and introduce new features in your application. The competitive landscape of your app category also influences the update frequency significantly. 

G. Third-Party Integrations: 

A seamless integration into other third-party applications is an essential criterion for developing a SaaS app. A smooth third-party integration can add new capabilities to a SaaS application and enhance its ability to connect with other apps. In addition, your SaaS app’s third-party integrations are critical to improving user experience. Overall, third-party integrations can make a SaaS app more powerful, efficient, and versatile, which can help increase its adoption and success.

I. Matching User Expectations: 

Before embarking on SaaS application development, conducting an in-depth market analysis is crucial to understand your target users’ needs and expectations. It will allow you to develop a solution that meets their requirements and expectations. Furthermore, by conducting market research in advance, you can set realistic goals and objectives for your app and ensure its success.

J.Budget & Timeline: 

The budget and timeframe are two critical factors for developing a SaaS application. These factors often influence the SaaS app development process.

How Much Will It Cost To Develop A Saas Application?

The costs for developing your SaaS application depend on many factors. The complexity of the product, features, tech stack, scalability, and many other factors determine the SaaS application development costs. In addition, the development costs may also vary depending on the country where you hire the SaaS developers. For instance, if you hire SaaS developers from the USA or Canada, they may charge $150 to $250 per hour. On the other hand, if you hire SaaS developers from India, you will need to pay around $20 to $80 per hour. In Europe, SaaS development may cost you around $100 due to high inflation. 

Developing a simple SaaS MVP may cost you around $50,000 with a SaaS development company located in Europe. However, if you hire developers from India, you will need to pay $10,000+ depending on the complexity of your application. 

Final Thoughts:

Hopefully, this blog helped you understand how to build a SaaS application. Logic Square Technologies offer high-end Software As A Service (SaaS) service to help entrepreneurs reach their ventures to the next level. Our SaaS experts develop top-performing SaaS solutions to bring a radical transformation to your business. We have the knowledge, experience, and expertise to make your business more efficient and profitable. If you decide to build a SaaS application, our team can help you achieve your goals. Visit our website to learn more about our SaaS development services. 


#1 How To Choose A SaaS App Development Company?

Ans:  When choosing a SaaS app development company, you should evaluate its expertise and experience in the field. One way to do this is to review their portfolio and case studies, which will give you an understanding of their capabilities and whether they align with your vision. Additionally, looking at client testimonials and reviews on platforms like Clutch and DesignRush can provide insight into its working style and client satisfaction. It will help you to have a good understanding of what it would be like to work with them. By thoroughly assessing the qualifications and reputation, you can ensure that you choose one that can deliver the results you need for your SaaS application development project.

#2 How Long Does It Take To Develop A Cloud-Based SaaS Solution?

Ans: The time may vary from 2-10 months, depending upon the various factors and stages of SaaS app development. The complex factors and features of each application determine the final development timeline. The average timeline can be:

  • A Simple SaaS MVP: 2-4 months
  • Average App Development: 4-6 months
  • Full-Featured Complex Web/Mobile App: Starting from 10 months can sometimes take a little longer than 1 year.

#3 Why Is Multi-tenant Architecture More Beneficial?

Ans: A multi-tenant SaaS architecture model is much easier to scale and more cost-effective than a single-tenant model. In addition, based on your organizational requirements, you can add and manage new tenants. The multi-tenant architecture allows you to expand your business gradually while delivering a top-notch user experience to your clients.

#4 What Are The Key Components Of A SaaS Product?

Ans: The components of a SaaS application are the core elements that make your app successful. These key components are:

  • CRM System:Acts as a central repository of your clients and controls features and functionalities.
  • Marketing Automation:This component manages marketing communications with leads and customers.
  • Billing System:The SaaS business model requires an effective mechanism for recurring billing.
  • Customer Analytics:This component helps you analyze your users’ behavior and identify their preferences.
  • Support:This module includes core customer support tools to ensure high-end customer services.
  • Platform: It is a critical component for determining the actual performance of your app on the user’s devices and their user experiences.
  • Infrastructure:SaaS application usage may vary from time to time depending on the user’s behaviors and preferences. Your SaaS app architecture or infrastructure must support the usage patterns.

#5 How Can I Monetize My SaaS Platform?

Ans: Many ways exist to monetize a SaaS (Software as a Service) platform. Some popular methods include:

  1. Subscription-based pricing: Charge customers a recurring fee, such as a monthly or annual subscription, to access your platform.
  3. Freemium model: Offer a basic version of your platform for free and charge for premium features.
  5. Usage-based pricing: Charge customers based on their usage of your platform, such as the number of users or the amount of data stored.
  7. Transaction-based pricing: Charge customers a fee for each transaction or action performed on your platform.
  9. Consulting and customization: Offer consulting services or customization options to help customers optimize their use of your platform and generate additional revenue.
  11. Partnering: Partner with companies or organizations to offer complementary products or services.

It is also critical to consider pricing strategies, such as offering volume discounts, free trials, and flexible payment options.

#6 What Are The Challenges Of Building A SaaS Product?

Ans: Developing a SaaS product can be challenging due to many factors:

  • Market competition
  • Scalability
  • Security
  • Reliability
  • Integration
  • Customer Acquisition
  • Retention
  • Pricing &
  • Development Hurdles

#7 Why Is SaaS Important For My Business?

Ans: It’s important because, Using SaaS can offer numerous advantages to businesses, such as lower initial expenses for commercial software, the elimination of the need to install software on individual devices, the ability to scale services as the business grows easily, the option to integrate with other software, and instant updates for all users.

#8 What Are The Best Marketing Strategies For Your SaaS App To Grow Faster?

Ans: Several marketing strategies can help your SaaS application grow faster, including content marketing, search engine optimization, social media marketing, influencer marketing, paid advertising, email marketing, referral marketing, etc.


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